Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thank God for Canada

I saw something in our small town this morning that I've never seen before.  It was the windup for our Sunday School class at Tim Horton's.  As we were sitting there drinking coffee, visiting and watching the traffic go by, we suddenly saw three guys walking down the street with a dog.  "So what?" you say.  These guys were in flak jackets carrying automatic weapons accompanied by a police dog!  Apparently there had been a stabbing and they were tracking someone.  I haven't heard yet how it turned out.  

After wondering why they were leaving us sitting behind a mere pane of glass while they were just across the street with protective gear and  their guns out, another thought struck me.  I'm 50+ years old and I've never seen anything like this before in our country.  Thank God!  It's a regular scene in many countries in our world.  People in Israel, Afghanistan and many other places live like this everyday.  I am thankful that this is such a strange sight to us.  It's not that we deserve peace and safety more than others; it's simply God's grace.  I hope this serves to make me even more thankful for the peace and freedom we so easily take for granted.



Anonymous said...

They were SEMI-automatic rifles, thank you very much. Well, that's my guess. What other types of guns have you heard of that army men carry? :P

Anddd I still think we should've had church in Tims. That would've owned. As I have pointed out.

Dave Groff said...

O Sara, what would I do without you keeping me in line! Might be nice to find out! Just kidding. My turn to keep you in line: Do you have all your pledges yet?


Anonymous said...

without me, your life would be an absolute letdown :D

yes, mr. 500-bucks, i will have all my pledges. I'm thirty bucks short of 100, thanks to my aunt. mom and dad will be able to cover the difference.

so, bascially, i dibs not walking during rodney browns concert thinger.

andddd i cant wait to get pictures of you being a complete fool of yourself at two o'clock in the morning :D

Dave Groff said...

For anyone following these comments and wondering what's going on: Sara is one of the youth in our church. She's faithful in her commitments, a great help in our kids' programs, has interest and talent in writing(you should start your own blog!), and somewhat irreverant to her pastor. But we do love bugging each other! If she gets too far out of hand I'll just cut off her commenting privileges here. (-:

Anonymous said...

har har.
you would never do that.
cut off the commenting priveleges.
I've been debating it for bit.
Starting a blog and whatsits.
But I dunno.
Thinking up witty comments is harder than it looks. :D

Anonymous said...

have a ball. I may have been a bit harsh on the blind mole rat, though.

Anonymous said...