Sunday, June 8, 2008

African Children's Choir

The African Children's Choir was at our church on Friday night.  What an amazing group of kids!  What an amazing organization!  Twenty-six of the cutest, best-behaved, energized kids you'll ever find.  The concert was excellent, but I was much more impressed with the children themselves.  

We had two nine-year-old girls stay overnight at our house.  They are well taught, well mannered.  Having been on tour for nearly nine months now, they seem very well adjusted to it all.  The one little girl's bedtime prayer was more mature than many adults I've heard, including myself.  Not one speck of personal request except for confession of sin.  Of course they are still kids and have their kid moments.  We had to smile when they didn't want to put their books aside long enough to have a snack.

The organization is equally impressive.  Their pledge is "Helping Africa's most vulnerable children today so they can help Africa tomorrow."  They've been doing it for over twenty years and are now seeing the fruit of their work with former choir kids coming back to serve as well as being productive in other areas of life in Africa.

If you ever get a chance to see them, do it.  Because they're famous(performing for the queen; American Idol, etc.), because it's great entertainment and great ministry.  But more than anything, because God loves the the vulnerable, the the poor, the orphaned, and we can have a part in changing their lives with our gifts to them.

Find out more about them  here and check the itinerary to see when they'll be in your area.  They are heading through northern Ontario to southern Ontario and then to eastern Canada.


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