Saturday, October 25, 2008

Help! I Can't Sleep

I got up at 4:30 this morning.  I didn't really want to, but I wasn't sleeping so I thought I could use my time better than lying in bed.  The reason, you ask?  Promise not to laugh?  This always seems to happen to me when we are getting up early to travel somewhere.  I don't know why.  Excitement?  You wouldn't think a four hour trip to pick up my wife's brother from the airport would cause that kind of excitement.  Afraid of sleeping through the alarm?  Maybe.  Anyone else have this problem?  Whatever it is, I just can't seem to shut my mind down concerning the trip and all kinds of other things.  I was lying there at 3:45 thinking about some things I could add to my previous blog entry to make it a little better.  Ridiculous!

Well the alarm is set to go off in 7 minutes so I'd better finish this off.  So if you hear I met my demise by driving off the road or running into a moose, you'll know why.  (-:

Grace and peace,



Anonymous said...

Hi David,
I guess you are a lot more like your mother than you think. I'm always like that if we are going somewhere or planning on doing something that day.But i'm sorry I can't seem to find what to do about it.
Have a good time visiting with Mike. How long is he staying? Just wondering. all for now, Mom

Jonathan D. Groff said...

Hey, I have that problem too--does it run in the family? I'm thinking it is probably fairly common: There was a commercial on the tv a while ago for Disneyland that played off this idea.

I usually end up getting up also just so I don't disturb Jennifer. I find the excitement of the trip continues to keep me awake as I travel.

Jonathan D. Groff said...

Hey grandma, not sure if you have checked out my blog or not, or if you care, but you can if yo want. It's the first one listed under dad's blogs of interest: "But that's not what ships were made for."