Thursday, May 22, 2008

Is Going to Church Fun or a Duty?

Our church leadership board is going through a book by Abe Funk called, Hope for the Small Church.  In Lesson 3, Abe summarizes eight characteristics of a healthy church, taken from Christian Schwarz's Natural Church Development.  One of the eight characteristics of a healthy church is said to be Inspiring Worship Services.  The summary reads, "Is going to church fun, or a duty?"  

Schwarz wrote a little more about this.  He says, 

Whenever the Holy Spirit is truly at work(and His presence is not merely presumed), He will have a concrete effect upon the way a worship service is conducted including the entire atmosphere of a gathering.  People attending truly "inspired" services typically indicate that "going to church is fun."

Here are some questions I'd love to get some responses to:

1.  Why do you go or not go to church?
2.  Is church fun for you?  Why or why not?
3.  Should church be "fun"?  Is that the right word or do we mean something else?

I'll answer those questions for myself in a later post.  For now, it's your turn!



pauls said...

1. Church for me is a must. This is where I receive teaching and fellowship. I gain strength through the message and the interaction with others who are likeminded.
2. Church is fun. I enjoy the people very much! I actually look forward to going to church each week. I hate to miss it.
3. Church should be fun but also must be serious. There must be a proper mixture of ingredients put in at the right time.

Anonymous said...

Oi. I like this idea. :D

1. I go to church because it's enjoyable, and it inspires me. It helps me get mentally prepared for the week, and gives my mind something to dwell on.

2. Church is awesome. The end. Especially Sunday School. Especially Youth Sunday School.

3. Church should be fun, but at the same time, enlightening. Inspiring. You know. That whole bit. It should introduce certain ideas in an interesting way so that those ideas stay in a persons head for quite a long time.
But don't overdue the fun-ness. That's no good.

Nicky said...

Hello Dave, I found your blog through a link on John K's; from what I've read o far following it should be most enjoyable. I attend a small (100 families) SBC church in Houston, TX, and we often struggle with the same problems that small churches face. I was intrigued by your questions, here's my response:

1. I see attending church as a most pleasant duty - membership has certain obligations, but the atmosphere here makes fellowship as vital and fulfilling as worship. I need the instruction in God's Word, I need the interaction with other believers, I need the guidance and direction of our pastor...I need it all!

2. Church is fun! I am active in our Student Ministry, and I receive the greatest joy in seeing God move in the lives of these young people. Many (or most) of our students come from broken or dysfunctional homes and families; most of their parents do not attend church at all. We are blessed to be used by God as a a means of bringing His light into these dark places.

3. Church SHOULD be fun! Yes, serious business (Kingdom Business!) is taking place, but that is not exclusive of joy! Dull, somber, dry worship seems an oxymoron to me.