Sunday, May 18, 2008

Help for Myanmar/Gospel For Asia

I am having trouble understanding  the government of Myanmar's refusal of aid for the disaster that has crippled their country.  While they continue to stall the offered help, relief experts predict that up to two million more people could die of starvation and disease.  The best explanation I can find is that their pride and power-hungry attitude is more important than their citizens.  They continue to insist that they can handle the situation and don't need help.  While their stubborn stance may be softening, will it be in time?

The good news is that they have allowed some Christian groups to be actively involved.  The World Vision website says, "World Vision is on the ground in Myanmar, working with the national government, to distribute clothing, blankets, food and emergency shelter material to those in the hardest hit areas."  

Another group with deep roots in Myanmar is Gospel for Asia(link).  This is a mission we have supported for a few years now.  Their philosophy of ministry is to train native missionaries who already know the language and culture and are willing to live at the level of the people they serve.  This is far more cost-effective than sending missionaries from the West and removes many social barriers.  Gospel for Asia has 400 churches and 250 mission stations in Myanmar.  They have a Bible school in Yangoon, the country's largest city.  As a result, Gospel for Asia is well-established and known in the country.  While outsiders are having trouble getting in, Gospel for Asia is already there.  Their website reports:

"Because of our previous service to the nation in times of such need, our national leader has a good reputation among government leaders, and the local churches are held in high regard," explained GFA President and Founder K.P. Yohannan. "As a result, the government has agreed to allow GFA/Believers Church to not only bring in supplies, but also to make sure they reach the people who are in such desperate need."

We need to pray for the survivors.  We need to pray that the government will allow foreign aid to come in.  I  also encourage you to give to the relief effort in Myanmar and it makes sense to me to give through Gospel for Asia.  You can do so right from their website.  While you're at it, check out the opportunity to sponsor a native missionary with GFA.

It is more blessed to give than to receive!



Jonathan D. Groff said...

That does seem rather odd. How egotistical or fearful do you have to be in order to withhold help for those in your care?

joggerjan said...

Thank you for your blog. I am thinking of starting one myself, but I would want someone more computer literate to help me so that it will be effective. I discovered yours, because I have a search engine that emails me whenever Gospel For Asia comes up in the news or even in blogs.
What I don't understand is that you posted this in May and I have just received the link to it in December!
May God continue to bless you as you continue to serve Him!

Dave Groff said...

Hi Janice

Thanks for stopping by. I have no idea why the GFA connection just got to you now.

I'm not sure what you meant by needing someone more computer literate to make a blog effective. If you enjoy writing and feel you have something you want to say, I encourage you to do it. I have no expertise in anything, but I enjoy doing it and who knows who will stop by and be challenged or encouraged.
