Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life After Death

Our church has said goodbye to two long-term members since Easter.  With that very much in mind, I preached a sermon this Sunday called "Death: The End or the Beginning?"  I asked the question: What difference does Jesus' resurrection make for us, right now today, as we mourn the loss of loved ones, and as each one of us march steadily toward death's door? 

I have no intention of reproducing the sermon here, but I would like to share the points of application.  Since we can all expect to die we should do what we can to prepare.  While still in college, Jim Elliot (martyred missionary) wrote in his journal, "When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die."  Here are four things we can each do--some for ourselves, some for those we'll leave behind, all for the glory of God.

*Make sure you are on the right road to Heaven through faith in Jesus Christ.  If you're not sure I'd be happy to be of assistance.
*Make sure you don't leave anything unsaid or undone in your relationships to let your loved ones know they are loved.  Forgive and ask forgiveness where necessary.
*Do some thinking and planning in regards to your funeral service.  The older and more settled we get, the more we can do, but I think it is important for everyone to put some thought into what songs and Scriptures you would like.  It is not only helpful to your pastor and your family, but can be your final earthly testimony.  Why let someone else choose your last words?
*Live everyday in light of Good Friday and Easter.  Daily think about and thank God for His provision of salvation and hope for eternity. 

Grace and peace,


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