Saturday, April 25, 2009


I've stopped putting lettuce on my sub.  I've stopped putting green relish on my hotdogs and hamburgers.  After forty some years of doing so I suddenly realized I don't really care  that much for those toppings and have  been doing it for years merely out of habit; a tradition I copied because everyone else I know did it that way.  Leaving the lettuce off won't make much difference to anyone except maybe my health, but I want to make a spiritual point.

How many other things do we do without really thinking about it simply because it has become habit?  Many "thoughtless" habits are good: brushing your teeth, putting on underwear, using your turn signal while driving.  But other things, especially spiritual things should never become merely habit.  One that comes to mind is giving thanks for meals.  I've spent my whole life doing it, but am I truly thankful or is it just habit?  Do I use the same words over and over again without really thinking about what I'm saying?  Bible reading and prayer can be the same way.  Getting into that habit is great.  Many people have trouble being consistent.  But it can also be not so good when we are just reading words or just saying words without thinking and actually listening and talking to God.

So what are you doing out of mere habit?  I challenge you to think through your life, especially your spiritual life, and make sure your relationship with Jesus is more than thoughtless habit.

Grace and peace,



1 comment:

Deanna said...

Absolutely thought provoking....