Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Power in Weakness: Family Edition

When our son and his family arrived to visit us about three weeks ago I was outside cutting the grass. I ran to the driveway and did my version of "the happy dance" in joy over their coming. I also let them know that I would be doing my happy dance again the moment they turned the corner to start their trip home.

Three weeks is quite a long time to have five extra people visiting you. Family or not, two young adults with different priorities, schedules, etc., and three very active children is an adjustment. It takes a great deal of patience, communication, giving and forgiving, and the crucifying of self-interest to get through. I did not always succeed. We did not always succeed. There were some tense moments, some hurt feelings, some frustrations on all sides. Human weakness! There were even a couple of times I would not have objected if they had left early.

Well they left on schedule this morning and there was NO happy dance. Instead, when I was alone there were a few tears shed. There were strong feelings of separation and loneliness. There was no happy dance because in spite of differences and frustrations there is love. Love of family and God's love flowing through us.

So until next time we have some pictures, some fond memories of bocce ball on the wonderful hills of the church lawn, camping in Minnesota, swimming and canoeing at the lake, and playing with the kids.

And we can't wait for another opportunity to practice the attributes of love with each other!


1 comment:

Jonathan D. Groff said...

An honest and heartfelt post. Thank you for the time we spent together; we had a lot of fun, even if there were times of frustration. Love, fond memories, and forgiveness erase the trying times.

We look forward to your visit to Grande Prairie (or our next to Fart Fronces).

I love you!