Saturday, May 9, 2009

As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God

I stumbled across the article with the above title while doing some web surfing recently.  It was written for the British newpaper TimesOnline just a few months ago.  Written by columnist Matthew Parris, it appears to be an honest look at Christian influence in Africa.  One paragraph to entice you to read the article:

Now a confirmed atheist, I've become convinced of the enormous contribution that Christian evangelism makes in Africa: sharply distinct from the work of secular NGOs, government projects and international aid efforts. These alone will not do. Education and training alone will not do. In Africa Christianity changes people's hearts. It brings a spiritual transformation. The rebirth is real. The change is good.

This is not just true for Africa but for every nation and every person.  The sad part is to be able to see Christ making a difference for others but not be convinced He can do the same for you.

Granted, Matthew Parris seems to be a colorful and controversial journalist, (check here for more on his life and career) but that does not make these thoughts any less true.

Grace and peace,


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